Latest Past Events

I’m going to Bouchercon!

Over Labor Day weekend, thousands of fans, writers, readers, publishers, book lovers, and general mystery-lovers will converge on Nashville, Tennessee. No, we won't be singing country least  I won't, and you should be glad of that! Bouchercon, an amazing and wonderful mystery-lovers convention, draws all of us together for a fun-filled five days of… Continue reading I’m going to Bouchercon!

Yountville Library! Turn your family scandals into stories!

Yountville Library, 6516 Washington St., Yountville, CA 94599 6516 Washington St., Yountville

Turn your family scandals into stories! Have you always wanted to write stories about your family, but didn't know where to start? Do you want to write fiction? Memoir? Mysteries? All can weave your scandals into riveting stories--it's just about knowing how! Join me at the Yountville library and get a taste of the Zara… Continue reading Yountville Library! Turn your family scandals into stories!

Turn your family scandals into story!

Yountville Library, 6516 Washington St., Yountville, CA 94599 6516 Washington St., Yountville

I will be doing a talk/workshop on turning your family scandals into story, on March 26 from 12 to 1:30. I realize this is a Tuesday, but take the day off, come write with me, and then go drink some wine in the beautiful Napa Valley! Author Lecture and Workshop: Claudia Long - Napa County… Continue reading Turn your family scandals into story!