Welcome to the Strange World of Podcasts!
I’m really pleased to be on the podcast from The Authors Porch! It’s a wonderful podcast, truly special, and I hope you’ll watch and listen.

But what does it all mean?
For one thing, I’m searchable, findable, watchable, listen-to-able. It’s an unnervingly public experience!
For another, my newest book, Our Lying Kin, is all of the above. In the sense that anyone can find out it’s there, hear what it’s about, and, hopefully, go buy it. That’s the goal, after all.
But for most writers, the notion that we’re so, well, public, is at odds with our need for privacy. Will anyone listen/ watch? I hope so! Will anyone seek out the book? I double-hope-so!
Most authors want to hide under the bed, but we want to sell books, too!
Oh, the modern world…