Jewish Book Tour on Instagram

book cover Consuelo
The Duel for Consuelo

Welcome to my first post on my books as part of the #Jewishbookstagramtour. The Duel for Consuelo—book two in the Tendrils of the Inquisition series—weaves poetry, the Enlightenment, and the deep-seated #antisemitism of late-Inquisition #Spain and Colonial #Mexico.

Did you know that the Inquisition went far beyond 1492 and the expulsion of Jews from Spain? It reached the New World, especially in Mexico and Peru, where Inquisitors searched out Jews, Conversos who were in hiding—the #Crypto-Jews—converted at the point of a sword but secretly trying to keep the “faith of Moses”, as well as witches, heretics and Protestants.

Busy, weren’t they?

Consuelo is the daughter of a Crypto-Jewish mother, whose health is failing. Consuelo tries, with her herbalist skills, to ease her mother’s delusions, but she keeps calling for Consuelo to “Light the candles, light the candles, don’t let them see you!”

When her mother is taken by the Inquisition, as a way to get at her father, Consuelo is the only hope: to save her mother from torture, and to carry the faith to the next generation.
Available on Amazon,, and anywhere on line that you like to buy your books.

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