I’ve added a new game to the blog! So much fun to be had, when characters from historical fiction write to the all-knowing, all-seeing, ever-so-wise-ass Madam Mariana.
Madam Mariana will answer your character’s deepest romance questions, and at the end of the month your book will be featured! Book still in the WIP phase? That’s okay, we’ll post the cover of one of your other books, your website, or, well, your cat if you want.
How do you ask a question? See, that was easy! Just ask! You can leave a message in the comments section asking me to contact you, or message me on Facebook via my author page. https://www.facebook.com/ClaudiaHLong/
Letters subject to editing for length and clarity, and Madam Mariana has full discretion as to what letter she chooses to answer. Let her know your era and location–she may be all-knowing but she isn’t a mind reader!
First question tomorrow…watch this space!

I have a lovelorn question!
Ask away! Send it to Madam Mariana via email… she will reply here!